Negotiating A Counter Offer


In the realm of employment, receiving a counter offer can be a pivotal moment. It’s a testament to your value and opens up opportunities for negotiation. However, navigating this process requires careful consideration. Here are five crucial factors to keep in mind when faced with a counter offer: Understanding Your Worth: Before diving into negotiations, […]

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Advantages of Using a Recruitment Agency for Hiring


Hiring the right talent is critical for any organisation, and the process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. This is where recruitment agencies come into play. A recruitment agency acts as an intermediary between job seekers and employers, helping both parties find the right fit. In this blog, we will discuss the advantages of using a […]

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Ways to Motivate & Retain Your Employees

Ways to motivate Staff

An article in Harvard Business School in 2017 spoke about Modern Motivational Methods for Attracting and Retaining Employees. Many companies are now struggling to hire and retain employees in the current labour market. Candidates are hard to be found and retaining existing staff has become an important consideration for management teams. Now more than ever, […]

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The Over 55’s – A New Work Generation


Reasons why we should Hire and Retain. We’ve had a huge success here in Leinster Appointments over the last 6 months of placing mature candidates with our clients in jobs and the feedback to date has been very positive. On a recent survey, Irish Businesses have highlighted that the labour shortages and lack of access […]

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How to Prepare for a Graduate Interview


For many people, the first interview after college is your first professional interview and the first step in your professional career. The purpose of a job interview is to find out if you have skills, experience and attitude that the organisation is looking for. It is important to be as prepared as possible to ensure […]

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Tips for candidates on doing Zoom/Video interviews


Video Interviews has become part of the ‘new normal’ in 2020. Zoom has emerged as the one that is most popular at the moment for employers conducting interview. We are getting feedback from our candidates that they are finding video interviewing ‘ different’ and hard to establish a rapport with interviewers.   Here are our […]

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Top Tips For Working From Home


Adjusting can be a tough thing to do particularly when we are going through such uncertain times. Working from home for many of us is a new experience and it can be difficult to get in the zone while in the comfort of your own home. Follow some of these simple tips to continue to […]

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The Benefits of Team Sports Participation in the Workplace


We are all too familiar with the benefits of physical exercise on our health. It is safe to say the list is endless. In more recent times we have come to learn that our body releases endorphins – aka. Happy hormones, when we engage in physical activity.  This can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, […]

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