It is commonplace for those starting in a new role to have first day jitters, but what about those starting in new roles virtually in today’s very different work landscape ? The reality is, your first day and many days after that may well end up working virtually, from the safety of home depending on the length of time your company is keeping staff working from home due to coronavirus. This new norm brings up a whole new set of challenges for new starters, making it more difficult to get to know your colleagues, immerse yourself in the culture of the company, and even seek assistance when a problem arises or you need that little extra bit of guidance on a particular task. This is a big departure from the traditional onboarding of old, where a new starter will typically take part in a half / full day orientation where you may be shown around the building, introduced to your new colleagues over lunch, and guided by a senior staff member to ensure you settle in well. All of these processes now need to be managed differently, however when done correctly, can prove to be just as successful and trouble free as the traditional methods.
Please see the below feedback from just two of the candidates who have recently successfully secured new roles through Leinster Appointments, and began working virtually for their respective companies
“From the moment I started, it was certainly unusual, to say the least. My induction was via Zoom, which I quickly got used to, and meeting “virtually” with my Team, Partners, Managers and Clients was definitely different, but necessary
I have enjoyed every minute of it, and whilst there have been times that I wished I was face-to-face with people, it’s definitely going to be the “new norm.” It has been great to be in this position of HR Manager as I am getting exposure to so many different businesses, across all business sectors, and HR issues as a result of COVID-19. To be able to advise, guide and support clients and my own team, has been invaluable and extremely rewarding during this time and going forward.
I landed the role that I wanted for a long time and now here we are! And yes, I’ll be working remotely like a lot of other people, I am still looking forward to the day that I can go into the office and meet my colleagues face-to-face and also go out on-site to meet RBK HR Solutions Clients. Keep safe and well everyone!” HR Manager who began new role in April 2020.
“Starting it remotely was challenging in terms of handover. It was made easier as immediately I was supplied with all the I.T equipment / drives I was needed with and conducted a lot of the handover through Microsoft teams and by sharing laptop.
Initially I found the team dynamic hard instead of being in the office and interacting with other members of staff picking up information more easily.
It was frustrating at times re handover and to counteract this I was doing a lot of self-learning. From my position in finance I could go through the year end accounts / monthly numbers and drill down into each G.L to pick up information to allow me to increase my own knowledge base.
While we were working at home, we had a daily catch up most mornings which was useful as again it pointed me into potential areas we were working on and interacting with others. Without this structured catch ups from my manager & daily team meetings I would have felt further frustrated. My manager was in regular contact while at home and I believe that is one key needed for all candidates if faced with same situation.” Senior Financial Accountant who began new role in April 2020.